> From: Enke Michael [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Konstantin Piroumian wrote:
> > 
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > > From: Enke Michael [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > > Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2002 5:02 PM
> > > Subject: i18n: empty translation in XMLResourceBundle?
> > >
> > >
> > > Hello,
> > > I saw in I18nTransformer.java a comment:
> > > <li>Introduce empty translation (XMLResourceBundle)
> > > How does it work? Or is it only planned?
> > 
> > Look a little upper: it's in the 'Future work' section. 
> Have no time right
> > now to implement it and I've never understood the real use 
> of it. Why don't
> > you use 'default' translation possibility?
> > 
> > Regards,
> > Konstantin Piroumian
> Hi Konstantin,
> the reason for empty translation:
> I get the relation, if lower, greater or equal from a database.
> Also the DB-column I get from a table in the DB. So I translate:
> For relation >=                        "From Department"
> For relation <=                        "To Department"
> And for relation = I want to translate "Department" (without 
> From, To or anything else).
> The solution would be very very simple:
> Remove the trim() in XMLResourceBundle. This is my proposal.
> Than I can write: <message key="="> </message> and this will no longer
> result in an untranslated-text.
> Anyhow, <message key="="></message> will result in an 
> untranslated-text

Did you try: <i18n:text key="=">Default text</i18n:text>? I don't remember
how exactly does it act, but if it does not find translation for "=" then it
will either show 'Default text' or try to find translation for it.

Btw, did you try &nbsp; in dictionary? 

> Regards,
> Michael
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