  |      Thank you all for the great feedback!      |

There have been a few questions we want to answer:

Publishing Web3-Core
We plan to publish Web3-Core at the end of next week (there are
a few things to polish and a simple example has to be written).
As proposed from Davanum we will post a patch at BugZilla.

(Bert: If you are interested in Web3 we will post a ZIP with
 all necesary files at cocoon-dev.)

Why we have called it Web3-Core?
We have split Web3 into two parts:

- Web3-Core (published under the The Apache Software License)
  - synchronos call mode (transformer)
  - sap style structure model
  - only inbound (Web3 calls SAP) connections
  - seamless cocoon2 integration

- Web3 (extended)
  - 2 further call modes (asynchrounos, cached)
  - persistent xml database layer
  - user aware logon mechanism for RFC-connections
  - outbound (SAP calls Web3) connections
  - enhanced scheduling facilities
  - administration gui
  - bapi implementation wizard
  - monitoring

Web3-Core and Cocoon2
We think it is a good idea to put Web3-Core into the scratchpad of
Cocoon2. As soon as cocoon blocks are available we will
provide Web3 as a cocoon block.

Further information
Have a look at http://www.efp.cc/web3
(Granted, at the moment the information is rudimentary  but it will
be extended in the near future :-)


In order to use Web3 you need the Java Connector (JayCo) from SAP.

Here the licence terms (source: http://service.sap.com/connectors)

  |SAP Java Connector is only available from        |
  |SAP for connecting Java Applications to SAP      |
  |systems. Other than the above permitted usage    |
  |is not allowed by SAP. The terms and regulations |
  |of the respective End User License Agreement     |
  |shall otherwise apply.                           |
  |                                                 |
  |Java® is a registered trademark of               |
  |SunMicrosystems, Inc., 901 San Antonio Road,     |
  |Palo Alto, CA 94303 US.                          |

We are not lawyers but we think that means you should have a look
into YOUR licence agreement with SAP ;-)

Reinhard / Michael

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EFP Consulting GmbH, Praterstraße 45, 1020 Wien - Austria
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