
>Why don't you consider donating some of your "twisted" examples to the
>mount/xmlform sitemap?

I still have a lot of work to do, but plan to offer at least one
detailed example of a "non-wizard" use case. Can't really say more now.

>>       5) Overall "potential".  I mention this only because I have
>> been able to trick XMLForm into doing things you probably never intended
>> it to do. This makes me believe that other, more clever individuals
>> could develop XMLForm into a really complete forms solution. Sort of
>> a "critical app" for the web-application-server side of cocoon.

>Very curious to see these "tricks".

Yes, rude of me to dangle suggestions with no details.  I haven't been
making major changes to XMLForm, just tinkering with some alternate
handling of validation and phases. Need to try a few more things
before exposing the paucity of my ideas here :-)

 >> Is there a compelling reason to use a SortedSet for violations?
<snip />

>I was thinking that when you want to highlight the association, you would
>place the violations near the
>failing fields.
>Will consider an implementation which preserves the document order.

I've been putting violations both at top of page and near the failing fields.
Some people like violations at top, some near the field, some in both places.
Everyone who liked the violations at top expected document order (sigh).

>> >>Report is supported. Report is simply a negation of assert.
>> Just double checked this again.  Report doesn't work for me.  This works:
>>       <assert test="contains(not(.,'$'))">
>> but this doesn't:
>>       <report test="contains(.,'$')">

>I've tested it a bit but maybe there is a bug. Feel free to save XMLForm
>again :)
>The implementation is one line, so I can't immediately see where the problem
>might be.

>> ><assert >cannot contain <myns:name/> </assert>
>> This would be *great* !! But unfortunately, doesn't work for me. Thought
>> might be because I my tags didn't have their own namespace so I tried:
>>       <assert test=".!=''">Please provide a <cnet:some_tag /></assert>
>> but the <some_tag> element just gets stripped out (by the validation
>> transformer?).

>Strange. Not intentional. Maybe another bug that waits to be busted.

I'll try to look into these problems this coming week...


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