On Saturday, June 8, 2002, at 09:49  PM, Diana Shannon wrote:

>>> [ http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/ ]
>>> The links to the faq section are linked wrong. They point to faq.html,
>>> but it's faq/
>>> Regards, Daniele
> I'm not sure what links she's referring to, but Vadim astutely pointed 
> out the reference to faq.html at the bottom of each and every 
> cocoon-user email. I've added a redirect page for faq.html (points to 
> faq/index.html) to the live site repository. Now I need Vadim to update 
> the web site, one *last* time... ;-)
> Diana

Actually, Carsten (thanks!) just added a redirect for faqs.html (still 
listed at the bottom of cocoon-user emails), and I added a redirect 
(just got my privs working) for faq.html, which was the old link, noted 
above by Daniele.

Do we really need to add redirects for all moved docs? I understand the 
need for faq, etc., but what about recently moved (and very recently 
committed docs) like xmlform-wizard tutorial? This may be a PITA to 
manage down the road, especially if we refactor some of the core docs, 
now spread across several guides.


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