Andy, I encourage your work, but ICE is way beyond the scope of my 
simple generator.


Andy Lewis wrote:
> How about ICE?
> I've got a Cocoon-friendly ICE 1.1 effort underway. If I get it working.....(amidst 
>the myriad of
> other things going on)
> Besides ICE 2.0 is beingrefactored for SOAP it would be a shame to 
>miss out on
> that....
>>Following is an initial draft of a new component I am starting to work on.
>>Fire and Ice welcome ;)
>>The WebServiceProxy Cocoon generator is intended to:
>>1) Allow easy syndication of dynamic content as a natural extension of  the 
>currently popular
>>static content syndication with RSS.
>>2) Allow transparent routing of web service request through GET, POST,  SOAP-RPC and 
>>binding methods.
>>3) Allow almost full control through sitemap configuration.
>>4) Allow use of Cocoon components for content formatting, aggregation  and styling 
>through a
>>tight integration with the Cocoon sitemap.
>>5) Require 0 (zero) lines of Java or other business logic code in most  cases.
>>6) Be generic and flexible enough to allow custom extensions for
>>advanced and non-typical uses.
>>7) Support sessions, authentication, http 1.1, https,  request
>>manipulation, redirects following, connection pooling, and others.
>>8) Use the Jakarta HttpClient library which provides many sophisticated  features 
>for HTTP
>>------------------------------------------------------------------------ Example I: 
>>of the Amazon book search service in a Cocoon portal:
>>    <map:pipeline>
>>      <map:match pattern="amazon/searchform">
>>          <map:generate src="AmazonForm.xml"/>
>>          <map:transform src="AmazonForm2html.xsl"/>
>>          <map:transform
>>          <map:serialize type="html"/>
>>        </map:act>
>>      </map:match>
>>      <map:match pattern="amazon/search*">
>>          <map:generate src="{1}";>
>>              <!-- The WebSericeProxy generator takes 3 arguments: --> <!-- 1) The 
>URL of the
>>              targeted web service -->
>>              <!-- 2) The binding method: GET, POST, SOAP-RPC or
>>SOAP-DOC -->
>>              <!-- 3) Optionally, name of the session to the remote
>>service, which allows scoping and grouping between different sitemap  sections. -->
>>              <map:parameter name="wsproxy-method" value="GET"/>
>>              <map:parameter name="wsproxy-session"
>>          </map:generate>
>>          <map:transform src="amazonform2html.xsl"/>
>>          <map:transform
>>          <map:serialize type="html"/>
>>        </map:act>
>>      </map:match>
>>    </map:pipeline>
>><?xml version="1.0" ?>
>><document xmlns:xf="";>
>>  <xf:form id="form-amazon" view="search"
>>    <xf:caption>Amazon book search by keyword</xf:caption>
>>    <xf:textbox ref="search">
>>        <xf:caption>Keywords</xf:caption>
>>    </xf:textbox>
>>    <xf:submit id="submit" class="button">
>>      <xf:caption>Submit</xf:caption>
>>    </xf:submit>
>>  </xf:form>
>>------------------------------------------------------------------------ Example II: 
>Even more
>>Integration with an interactive web service - the Cocoon FeedBack Wizard. Notice 
>that it is
>>actually simpler to integrate with an interactive  service then a "single call" 
>based one,
>>because WebServiceProxy supports  sessions as well !
>>    <map:pipeline>
>>      <map:match pattern="RemoteWizard/*">
>>        <map:generate
>>          <map:generate src="{1}";>
>>              <map:parameter name="wsproxy-method" value="POST"/> <map:parameter
>>              name="wsproxy-session"
>>          </map:generate>
>>          <map:transform src="myNewStyle-wizard2html.xsl"/>
>>          <map:transform
>>          <map:serialize type="html"/>
>>        </map:act>
>>      </map:match>
>>    </map:pipeline>
>>------------------------------------------------------------------------ End of file
>>-= Ivelin =-
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-= Ivelin =-

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