Michael Enke wrote:
> Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
> > 
> > Michael Enke wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > esql.xsp also doesn't work. Reason:
> > > The JdbcConnectionFactory is instantiated
> > > !BEFORE!
> > > hsqldb is started.
> > > Please change this.
> > >
> > Hi Michael,
> > 
> > how did you find this out and do you have a suggestion how to
> > achieve this? Because simply putting the hsqldb in the
> > cocoon.xconf doesn't work.
> I thought that this is a configuration issue. Is it not?
> I downloaded excalibur and put in some System.out.println().
> In JdbcConnectionFactory there is the call
> m_firstConnection = DriverManager.getConnection( m_dburl, 
> m_username, m_password );
> and this failed. That's why clazz is null -> m_class is null ->
> throw new NoValidConnectionException( "No valid JdbcConnection 
> class available" );
> I put in some System.out.println() in the constructor and realized the
> hsqldb output from start is always after my println even if I put 
> in 30 or 60 seconds delay.
Ok, thanks for this great information!

Now, after some investigation, it seems that the BucketMap used in
the excalibur component manager is the "culprit", because the handlers
are not initialized in the order they are defined in the cocoon.xconf
but any arbitrary order.

> > And why is this only with JDK 1.4?
> I have no JDK 1.3 or lower so I cann't investigate.
> Maybe with a clean checkout this happens also to JDK1.3 or earlier.
Perhaps this is the difference between 1.3 and 1.4: the BucketMap acts

Ok, I will further investigate.


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