Sylvain Wallez wrote:
> Nicola Ken Barozzi wrote:
>> Sylvain Wallez wrote:
> <snip/>
>>> When an exception occurs, the sitemap engine builds a Notifying 
>>> object that is available within the <handle-errors>. This Notifying 
>>> has a getType() method which is exactly what we need for this "type" 
>>> attribute.
>> There are many other attributes, not only getType.
> I know that (went back to the source), but this property seems to me the 
> most appropriate for this kind of information.


>> I wrongly assumed that it would be a "level" of error.
>> We should start giving it a real meaning.
> Yes, definitely !

As we say here : "only stupid people don't change their mind"
I changed my mind on this, thanks for making it clear to me.

>>> But getType() always returns "error" unless your exception implements 
>>> Notifying (which none does, and IMO having an exception implement 
>>> Notifying to drive sitemap error-handling is mixing concerns).
>> Not really true...
> Not really false ? ;-P


>>> So we could configure the NotifyingBuilder so that it can associate 
>>> exception classes to notifying types.
>>> <notifying-builder>
>>>  <type name="404" src="org.apache.cocoon.ResourceNotFoundException"/>
>>>  <type name="500" src="org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException"/>
>>>  <type name="access-denied" src="java.lang.SecurityException"/>
>>>  <type name="my-error-case" src=""/>
>>> </notifying-builder>
>> This I like better... 
> Cool :-))

Well, in fact it's the reason I made the builder in the first place, 
only that I wasn't yet sure of how to define it.

>> It basically means that you make the mapping of the exception name to 
>> an easy handle...
> Yep. And the important point is avoiding to writing exception class 
> names in the sitemap.


>>> Notice the two first lines that ensure compatibility with what we 
>>> have today.
>>> And then in the pipelines :
>>> <map:handle-errors type="access-denied">
>>>  <map:transform src="accessDenied.xsl"/>
>>>  <map:serialize/>
>>> </map:handle-errors>
>>> <map:handle-errors type="my-error-case">
>>>  <map:transform src="SpecificError2html.xsl"/>
>>>  <map:serialize status-code="500"/>
>>> </map:handle-errors>
>>> Thoughts ?
>> I would rewrite your case like this:
>>  <notifying-builder>
>>   <type name="404" src="org.apache.cocoon.ResourceNotFoundException"/>
>>   <type name="500" src="org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException"/>
>>   <type name="access-denied" src="java.lang.SecurityException"/>
>>   <type name="my-error-case" src=""/>
>>  </notifying-builder>
>>  <map:handle-errors>
>>   <map:match type="error" pattern="access-denied">
>>     <map:transform src="accessDenied.xsl"/>
>>     <map:serialize/>
>>   <map:match>
>>   <map:match type="error" pattern="my-error-case">
>>     <map:transform src="SpecificError2html.xsl"/>
>>     <map:serialize status-code="500"/>
>>   <map:match>
>>   <map:match pattern="*">
>>     <map:serialize status-code="500"/>
>>   <map:match>
>>  </map:handle-errors>
> Ok. I like this now that we can have a meaningful type on Notifying, and 
> agree to deprecate the "type" attribute on handle-errors.
> As we say here : "only stupid people don't change their mind" ;)
> Minor remark : a selector seems more suitable than a matcher as we will 
> most often perform a "switch" on the error type (also shown in your 
> example). We can also have both.

Of course.

>> But we could simply do:
>>  <map:handle-errors>
>>   <map:match type="error" pattern="access-denied">
>>     <map:transform src="accessDenied.xsl"/>
>>     <map:serialize/>
>>   <map:match>
>>   <map:match type="exception" pattern=""> 
> I don't like this one as it shows explicit class names outside of 
> <map:components>


>>     <map:transform src="SpecificError2html.xsl"/>
>>     <map:serialize status-code="500"/>
>>   <map:match>
>>   <map:match pattern="*"> 
> This match can even be avoided as we're in the fallback when there is no 
> match above : it's the "otherwise" part of a selector.

Yup. Just to show that selection is not the only way.

>>     <map:serialize status-code="500"/>
>>   <map:match>
>>  </map:handle-errors>
>> Of course, we will need to put a
>>  <notifying-builder>
>>   <type name="404" src="org.apache.cocoon.ResourceNotFoundException"/>
>>   <type name="500" src="org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException"/>
>>   <type name="access-denied" src="java.lang.SecurityException"/>
>>   <type name="my-error-case" src=""/>
>>  </notifying-builder>
>> thing in cocoon.xconf to handle the major types of errors, so that the 
>> match type="exception" is not used a lot, or even at all.
> Wouldn't it be better located in <map:components> ? This would allow 
> specific error types to be defined in each sitemap.

Dunno, maybe you're right, maybe it's also needed because each block can 
have his.

>> Other thoughts?
> Errmm... I still don't like the implicit generator in <handle-errors>...

I really don't know what is best here, but I have a proposal that comes 
to me now...

The NotifyingBuilder is something that converts Exceptions and 
Notifyings in xml... basically a Generator!
But with the difference that it imposes you a fixed dtd, and can be used 
also with non-sax sources.

So, what about adding a NotifyingBuilder as a Sitemap Component?

   <notifying-builder name="default"
    <type name="404" src="org.apache.cocoon.ResourceNotFoundException"/>
    <type name="500" src="org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException"/>
    <type name="access-denied" src="java.lang.SecurityException"/>
    <type name="my-error-case" src=""/>


    <map:match type="error" pattern="access-denied">
      <map:transform src="accessDenied.xsl"/>

Just a RT...

>> Keep calm Stefano, I know you get nervous when Sylvain and I discuss 
>> at this speed, but believe me, we are communicating, it's not noise ;-P 
> Sure we're communicating ! Why does Stefano get nervous ? Because we 
> sometimes communicate loudly ?

Guess so, and because we are sooooo much verbooose and fast ;-)

Nicola Ken Barozzi                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
             - verba volant, scripta manent -
    (discussions get forgotten, just code remains)

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