> >> 9075:[PATCH] Contribution of SAP R/3(r) connectivity components
> >> Adding the possibility to access SAP from Cocoon is IMHO a very 
> >> usefull feature. Is someone already using it?
> >
> >
> > +1

As Michael Gerzabek and I are the committers of this patch some words:
Yes, we are already using it successfully at some of our customers :-)

- the example comes with it's own sub-sitemap
- we will add a 'welcome'-page with some instructions how you can
  set up  a connection to an SAP-R/3-system
  - add JCo.jar (available at http://service.sap.com/connectors -->
    if you have a SAP-system you have access to this site)
  - enter the correct logon-parameters in the configuration file

  --> that's it

There was a question: "What happens if there is any SAP-system available?"

  --> As long as you only watch the welcome-page and don't click on
      the example - nothing

  --> The connection to SAP-R/3 is established at the first time you
      call a pipeline using our RFC-transformer

There remains only one problem:
In order to build our sources, JCo.jar (SAP Java Connector) is absolutly 
necessary. As JCo.jar is copyright-protected by SAP I can only offer 
following 'workaround':

- case1: JCo.jar is not available
  --> during the build of Cocoon our prebuild web3-core.jar is taken
      and the source files are ignored

- case2: JCo.jar is available
  --> during the build of Cocoon our prebuild web3-core.jar is ignored
      and the source files are compiled

What do you think? Is it an acceptable solution?


PS: We improved some of the classes. If you like to include the 
connectivity-tool (web3-core) we will provide the new patch.

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