> From: Geoff Howard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > - Yahoo screen scrape : blank page.
> > Did Yahoo change the structure of their page ?
> Yes, they did.  I just worked out a new xpath:
> /html/body/center/table[4]/tr[1]/td[3]/table[@class='yhmnwbd']
> or /html/body/center/table[4]/tr[1]/td[3]/table[6]
> This will grab the headlines list which IIRC is what the old one used
to do.

Mines look completely different:



> I can submit a patch or just send a diff but first have to grab the
> version of HEAD, since it's been a while.  If someone just wants to
make the
> change, let me know and I'll skip the patch.

No need for a patch, I will fix it.

> Geoff Howard

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