
I am currently working on a ServletProxyGenerator:

    +--------+       +------------------------+       +---------+
    |        | ----> | Cocoon:                | ----> |         |
    | Client |       | ServletProxyGenerator: |       | Servlet |
    |        | <---- | HttpClient             | <---- |         |
    +--------+       +------------------------+       +---------+

with the goal to connect some "legacy servlets" and being able to
pipe them through Cocoon.

Actually the ServletProxyGenerator doesn't do a lot. It is just creating
an HttpClient (org.apache.commons.http) and "forwarding" all parameters
(POST) and
the QueryString (GET) from the original client to the HttpClient being
instanced within the ServletProxyGenerator.

It is working very fine so far. I now wanted to connect some servlets
which need the session of the original client, which means I started to
transfer all Cookies into the HttpClient.

The problem now is, that the servlet still doesn't find the session!

Does anyone have experience with these kind of stuff: Passing cookies
from one client to another?

Thanks for your help and comments


P.S.: If the ServletProxyGenerator is of any use for the Cocoon
community, then I would be happy to donate it.

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