Torsten Curdt wrote:

> This is what I found out:
> cocoon2 HEAD seems to work out-of-the-box with xerces 2.0.2 for:
> resin 2.1.2, jdk 1.3.1_02, linux
> tomcat 4.1.7b2, jdk 1.3.1_02, linux
> resin 2.1.2, jdk 1.3.1, win2k
> but fails on
> tomcat 4.0.4b2, jdk 1.3.1_02, linux
> tomcat 4.0.4, jdk 1.3.1_02, linux

Do you use the jar from the binary download of version 2.0.2?

I tested this with tomcat 3.3.1 on win2k with jdk 1.3.1 and
jdk 1.4. Both worked without any problems.

If we upgrade, we should use the current cvs version of xerces
and not 2.0.2, because 2.0.2 contains some serious bugs
in the serialization of DOM trees which makes some components
- for example the portal - rather useless (saving is not
possible etc.)


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