On Wednesday, July 24, 2002, at 05:42  AM, Nicola Ken Barozzi wrote:

> Just a tip: if you install Cocoon jars in the WEB-INF/lib, you can add 
> your classes in WEB-INF/classes, and just restart Tomcat to use the new 
> classes. I do it also when developing Cocoon itself, since classes come 
> before of the libs in the classpath. ;-)

I received this helpful tip from Ivelin some time ago.

Use a build target of webapp-local to generate classes (faster than a 
war build). Instead of restarting Cocoon, however, use Tomcat's manager 
to install a path to the updated webapp, e.g.:

When you make a change that requires another webapp build, remove the 

Then perform another webapp-local build and use the manager (as above) 
to install webapp again.

A few other notes:
- I typically disable all caching so I'm not sure if this works with 
caching enabled (i.e. without a clean work directory each time).
- To get manager working, you need to make sure you have a manager 
context specified in server.xml
- You need to add a <user name="manager"   password="ZZZ" roles="ZZZ" /> 
to <tomcat-users/> in tomcat-users.xml

Does anyone else use this?

-- Diana

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