On Fri, 16 Aug 2002, Carsten Ziegeler wrote:

> Some time ago, the excalibur project has split up their distribution
> of components into several subprojects. We use some of them (for
> example the component, xmlutil, store subproject etc.).
> Each of these subprojects creates its own library - the full
> avalon-excalibur.jar
> is only there for compatibility.
> I would suggest that we skip to all these nice little jars
> and remove the big avalon-excalibur.jar.
> The advantages:
> - We only include those subprojects we need
> - We minimize the build problems with excalibur
> - Updating for example to a new store implementation, requires only
>   updating this subproject and not everything
> - The JDK depency is limited to one small jar, the datasource subproject
>   which is optional for Cocoon, so the Cocoon core is no longer JDK
> dependend
> - If a bug is in one excalibur subproject we only have to revert this
>   subproject and not all.


> Disadvante:
> - More smaller jars instead of one big one.

I think that's a little drawback compared to the advantage we gain.


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