Hi All,

        Hope all is well.
        After working through some interesting issues :) I've updated the
        SOAP server for Cocoon that I've been working on in the following
        o SOAP server reader is now based on Axis, rather than Apache SOAP.
        o Helper abstract classes have been written allowing webservices
          to implement LogEnabled and Composable.
        o Several webservices are now included:
                o cache (allows you to remotely manipulate the Cocoon cache
                         via soap, eg. clear it)
                o memory (allows you to view the total and free amount of
                          memory in your Cocoon application, also allows you
                          to remotely invoke the garbarge collector)
                o system (allows you to inspect the hardware your server
                          is running on)
                o process (allows you to run a system process on the server
                           and view the output. eg. ps, uptime, df, etc)

        o Included a small sample webapp which allows you to list the 
          services currently deployed.

        o Moved entire source over to scratchpad, rather than core
        The source with libraries is now much larger than the original version,
        I'll make it available via http somewhere and enter a bugzilla patch.
        Comments, suggestions more than welcome.

On Thu, Aug 15, 2002 at 04:30:09PM +0200, Marcus Crafter wrote:
> Hi All,
>       Hope all is well.
>       Over the past couple of days I've been working on adding the
>       ability for a Cocoon application to serve SOAP requests.
>       The motivation for this work came from:
>       o The need to share business logic data with other projects, ie.
>         B2B communcation.
>       o The desire to build an administration application and remotely query
>         a live system about its status.
>       Instead of building a second server into our application (ie. RMI,
>       CORBA, etc), I thought it might be better to use SOAP for this for
>       several reasons, mainly since servlet based Cocoon applications are
>       really HTTP oriented servers anyway.
>       The code adding this functionality is in bugzilla, #11728.
>       My hope is that this feature is of use for others too.
>       Essentially, I took the RPCRouterServlet from the Apache SOAP
>       project and ported it to Cocoon as a Reader, which in effect
>       allows you to register SOAP services within your Cocoon app, and
>       serve data to other clients.
>       The reader can be configured in the sitemap as follows:
> <!-- Defines a SOAP RPC reader that will serve SOAP requests via HTTP-POST.
>      'managed-services' defines a list of Apache SOAP deployment descriptors
>      that will be automatically deployed at startup and undeployed at 
>      shutdown of this reader.
>  -->
> <map:reader logger="sitemap.reader.soap-rpc" name="soap-rpc"
>             src="org.apache.cocoon.reading.SoapRPCReader">
>  <managed-services>
>   <descriptor 
>  </managed-services>
> </map:reader>
>       Consult the javadocs for the full option set which includes the
>       ability to set an EnvelopeEditorFactory, and custom SOAP server xml
>       config file.
>       The pipeline match is quite simple like most readers:
> <!-- Match SOAP RPC Router requests -->
> <map:match pattern="rpcrouter">
>  <map:read type="soap-rpc" mime-type="text/xml"/>
> </map:match>
>       With these 2 sections added to your sitemap, you can then make
>       HTTP-POST queries to the above pipeline to deploy, list, invoke or
>       undeploy particular SOAP services from your Cocoon app. The
>       ServiceManagerClient class that comes with Apache SOAP is quite
>       useful for this.
>       I've included an example service with my patch which allows a
>       remote client to query the amount of free & total memory the remote
>       Cocoon app currently has, and also allows a client to invoke the
>       garbage collector on the remote application.
>       For those interested have a look at the class and deployment
>       descriptor in the o/a/c/components/soap/services/memory directory,
>       and the webapps/samples/soap directory.
>       The SoapRPCReader also adds the Cocoon request, response, context
>       and ComponentManager to the SOAP request context, which means it's
>       possible for your SOAP services to access any avalon components you may
>       have written, and also session data that may be relevant for the
>       particular request. Have a look at the
>       o/a/c/components/soap/services/template directory for an example of
>       this.
>       Normal SOAP services (ie. cocoon independant) can also be deployed,
>       including those implemented in other languages via BSF support. The
>       Apache SOAP documentation describes how this can be done.
>       The reader itself requires the presence of the Apache SOAP jar
>       (2.3.1 used during development), and the SUN activation and
>       javamail jar. I've modified the build.xml so that the reader and
>       associated services are only built if these libraries are present.
>       I'm now looking at the various statistical & administration
>       information we might like to provide from Cocoon, hopefully in
>       combination with the instrumentation interfaces from Excalibur.
>       Ok, so I hope its of use for more people that just me, if there's any
>       questions, comments, feel free to ask.
>       Cheers,
>       Marcus
> -- 
>         .....
>      ,,$$$$$$$$$,      Marcus Crafter
>     ;$'      '$$$$:    Computer Systems Engineer
>     $:         $$$$:   ManageSoft GmbH
>      $       o_)$$$:   82-84 Mainzer Landstrasse
>      ;$,    _/\ &&:'   60327 Frankfurt Germany
>        '     /( &&&
>            \_&&&&'
>           &&&&.
>     &&&&&&&:
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     ,,$$$$$$$$$,      Marcus Crafter
    ;$'      '$$$$:    Computer Systems Engineer
    $:         $$$$:   ManageSoft GmbH
     $       o_)$$$:   82-84 Mainzer Landstrasse
     ;$,    _/\ &&:'   60327 Frankfurt Germany
       '     /( &&&

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