> > Maybe, maybe not. One would need to use a lot extension functions to
> > achieve similar things (e.g. j2ee, databases and stuff) but that might
> > be portable to other pipeline systems (?). OTOH Apache Cocoon a lot
> > about SoC and it will need to be seen if that works as well with your
> > suggested approach.
> Instead of extensions you could use custom URIResolvers to return the
> from anywhere (or just do something and return succes/fail) to an
> usable by a transformation.

That would work, but where I'm heading I essentially want the equivalent of
a uri-resolver to be coded using XSLT looking not only at the URI but also
the current context.  I've generated a reply back to Christian that gives a
bit of a sketch of what such a thing might look like.

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