Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:

> Correct, but this is not a good reason to have them run their 
> well-thought stylesheets slower, don't you think?


>> I'm not saying we shouldn't be bugtesting for XSLTC, it's just that I 
>> don't know if the XSLTC community will be there to follow up on our 
>> bug reports.
> I hear you. Consider it a stress-test of both the software *and* the 
> community around it.

I've been investigating a bit and it seems 
like there are some people actively working on it. Only Sun-people 
however, and I recently organized an XSLT seminar with Michael Kay who 
was quite 'amused' w.r.t. XSLTC compliance & partial performance 
optimalization of XSLTC. But he's obviously biased :-)

> Anyway, just a reminder: you never get people to scratch if you don't 
> create some itches :)

Would that be itches or just pet peeves? ;-)

> And if this thing doesn't work out as expected, we can always ship 
> Cocoon 2.1 final with Xalan enabled.
> What do you think?

Fair enough. We'll be a prime beta test site for both Avalon and XSLTC. 
I believe we should definitely start warning people upfront that they 
really should stick to release versions, instead of relying on CVS 
checkouts of HEAD/2.1-dev - for some reason, there's quite some people 
using CVS instead of our release version. But that's another rant.

Thanks for your analysis, BTW!

Steven Noels                  
Outerthought - Open Source, Java & XML Competence Support Center
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