Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
> Hi Team,
> we should start to form at least a plan for 2.1.
> It seems that one major point, the flow maps, are working well,
> so the only open point is the "big blocks" thing.
> I would propose that we shift the "real blocks implementation"
> to 2.2 and start with the "blocks modules". 


These "block modules" can already be used without ricompilation by 
popping them in the WEB-INF/lib dir and declaring them in the sitemap.

What is still needed is a way of automatically making Avalon components 
in the jar be automatically used by Cocoon without having them in 
cocoon.xconf. This would make them totally usefull as units of Cocoon 
components, and we can postpone more serious mounting, URI managing, etc 
in the next version.

Any clever and quick idea on how to make Excalibur discover then 

> Nicola has already
> started this for FOP - Thanks Nicola. And others have followed
> as well.

Yeah, thanks to them! :-)

> Apart from this we have some serious bugs/problems which should
> be fixed.

I would propose that we also make Generators usable in the 
<handle-errors/> as already voted, since it's an important change, and 
the sooner the better.

Any taker?

> If we agree, we could make an alpha release very soon, fix the
> bugs, move the not finished components into scratchpad, make 
> a beta - let's say by the 18th of November :) - and
> release 2.1 in december.


> We could then use the dark winter season for implementing blocks
> and make a 2.2 early next year.
> So, what do you think?

+1 given the inclusion of the handle-errors change.

Nicola Ken Barozzi                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
             - verba volant, scripta manent -
    (discussions get forgotten, just code remains)

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