Carsten Ziegeler wrote:

>Vadim Gritsenko wrote:
>>>cziegeler    2002/10/10 23:30:41
>>> Modified:    
>>src/scratchpad/src/org/apache/cocoon/sunshine/connector Tag:
>>>                       cocoon_2_0_3_branch
>>>              src/java/org/apache/cocoon/xml Tag: cocoon_2_0_3_branch
>>> Log:
>>> Synchronizing branch with HEAD: Adding fix for Xalan bug
>>AFAIU, this fix introduces new bug: 
>>Do we need such fix then? It will break many websites...
>Please, look closely at what I did - I didn't touch the serializers,
>so the answer is: "No, it does not introduce the bug above."

And sorry for troubling you :)

>>PS According to 
>>this xalan bug have no impact on Cocoon. Is it right?
>Yes, Cocoon is infected by this bug and that in several ways! There
>were some problems in the serializers as well but the main problems
>lie in serializing XML to text. This is for example done in the
>SourceWritingTransformer. In those cases Xalan does not correctly
>handle namespaces (as described in the Xalan bug) and you get
>invalid XML - so this fix is very important.

Hm... Does this bug present in saxon?



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