Colin Paul Adams wrote:
> >>>>> "David" == David Crossley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> David> We could. However, proper support for Entity Catalogs is
> David> not yet in Ant. So we need to use a rudimentary catalog
> David> facility which automatically builds an internal
> David> catalog. This works, but is cumbersome. 
> David> I still think that the Anteater discussion links that i
> David> provided earlier in this thread is the most promising
> David> option. This was building validation facilities for
> David> Anteater which could also be used in Cocoon.
> OK. Has this progressed at all?

I do not know, i just signed on to the aft-devel list
to help out. Perhaps the others can say ... Ivelin, Jeff ...

> What I shall do as an interim measure, is create an optional patch to
> use the ant XMLValidate task (this will take me less than an hour), so
> I can keep track of any necessary sitemap.dtd changes.

Great. Here are the ANT targets from Forrest if it helps:
There is also a task in there to automatically
build an XML Catalog.

> I don't
> necessarily suggest integrating it into CVS, as it will involve adding
> DOCTYPEs to all the sitemap.xmap files, and this might add extra
> overhead during parsing.

I wondered about that too. How often does a sitemap
get parsed? Perhaps the overhead is immaterial.

> But the patch would be available for others
> to use if they wish.

We could put it into CVS, but comment-out its caller.
This makes it more readily used, thence feedback.

I shall also continue to work on the DTD. It's
> still far too ad-hoc to serve satisfactorily as a source for
> generating a W3C/Schematron/RelaxNG grammar. I shall try to make it
> "correct" if I can.

Yes, now that we have a good draft DTD. We need to
go through it piece-by-piece and verify the required
and optional attributes of each.

That is a good exercise to go through at this stage
of the 2.1 development. Fine-tuning is what is required.
The pace of development has been phenomenal, and it
now needs some spit-and-polish.

As the discussion of each piece progresses,
some of us can help out by reflecting that in
the docs.

> (Can anyone point me to which java files parse
> sitemap.xmap files?) 

Here is a start ...
[localhost]$ find src/java -type f -exec grep -l "sitemap.xmap" {} \;

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