Moving this to Krysalis, we will eventually post a summary on the Cocoon list later.

Luca Morandini wrote:

we've tried to use the Transformer included in Wings, but:

1) We weren't able to compile it, due to some jar version mismatch
Hmmm... any clue about this, anyone?

2) We didt't like its use of fixed DOM paths
Hmmm... can be changed, nothing set in stone.

3) We didn't understand its use of logging
In which way?

4) AFAIK the Transformer didn't use JFreeChart
CVS version doesn't, but Tom IIRC had already done a version with is on his computer.

Well, I used WinCVS to download it, and maybe I just didn't download the
latest version.
How could I download the latest stable release without using WinCVS ?
It's still a Work in Progress, that's why I asked you to join us.
If you are seriously interested in working on the code I could propose you for commit access and you could work with us on it.

No need to start yet another charting effort, we can work together :-)

Nicola Ken Barozzi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- verba volant, scripta manent -
(discussions get forgotten, just code remains)

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