I looked at it and it is interesting.

One thing which annoys me though is the use of XSLT to generate the output pages at the request time. I would much rather like to have the output pages preprocessed through XSLT the first time they're requested, and have the preprocessed form served later on. The preprocessed version can be a JSP or Velocity page, which is then processed to generate the output.

StrutsCX's design looks very similar to a very lightweight system I'm building using scripting languages supported by BSF as the controller and some AOP patterns thrown in for component based extensibility. Basically instead of using only Java for describing actions, you can use in addition JavaScript, Python, TCL or Netrxx. And yes, the wacky part is that these languages are used to describe your businesses logic, not only the flow.

If anybody's interested just drop me a line and I can explain more about this framework.

Best regards,

On Thursday, Oct 24, 2002, at 00:25 US/Pacific, Ugo Cei wrote:

"StrutsCX is Struts with Castor XML and XSLT - but without JSP. Therefore strickt seperation of business logic from presentation brings development closer to the MVC pattern. In addition it allways outputs well-formed XML (what JSP does not guaranty) and is much more flexible on the presentation layer."


I know close to nothing about Struts, so I cannot comment on the usefulness of this beast in the context of Cocoon, but maybe it's worth a look at.


Ugo Cei - http://www.beblogging.com/blog/
Ovidiu Predescu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
http://webweavertech.com/ovidiu/weblog/ (Weblog)
http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Monitor/7464/ (Apache, GNU, Emacs ...)

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