Colin Paul Adams wrote:
> What I shall be doing today (I'm offline during the day, BTW), if I
> have time after looking into the sitemap namespaces issue, is to
> take the rng grammar you generated (or generate a fresh one from a new
> DTD depending on what I find out about sitemap namespaces), and start
> changing it to overcome the DTD limitations (first change is to
> specify that map:components can be in any order, but at most one -
> using optionals nested in interleave - and go on in the same vain,
> iterating towards a better grammar).

Okay, thanks for the first draft RNG via Bugzilla.
It is in CVS now.

> I think we might one to eventually have a schematron schema AS WELL as
> an RNG and WXS grammar. The full validation would then consist of
> checking against both schemas, but I'm running too far ahead for now.

I have come across many references to embedded-schematron-in-relax-ng
Here is one such:

>     David> Did you see the demonstration that i provided in the
>     David> abovementioned thread? It provides an Ant task for
>     David> build-time validation. Also Pete Royal followed up with
>     David> mention about validation of Configuration objects via
>     David> Avalon soon.  
> I haven't had time to try it yet, but I downloaded the patches.
Colin Paul Adams
Preston Lancashire

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