SAXESS - Hussayn Dabbous wrote:
Concerning XSLT-processing: I found it quite tricky to
debug a stylesheet, when i assemble my pages with the <map:part>
tag. Whenever i get an error in one of my stylesheets, the default XSLT seems to silently abort and all i get is an empty
page, or a partially constructed page, depending, where in my
parts the error occures. Sometimes i get a trace dump in the logs, sometimes i see nothing at all.
With the saxon-xslt parser i was used to get at least the error line, where my problem occurs. So, can i switch from the cocoon-XSLT to Saxon (How can i do this?)
You can. Just remove Xalan.jar and plug in saxon.jar.
You still wont get line numbers in Saxon error messages, because
Saxon gets SAX events, and line numbers are long gone at this
The prudent way is to develop style sheets outside of cocoon.
If you need some source XML, just make a sitemap entry which
dumps it, and invoke it once.


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