> Argh, but it did work, because when I created the portal block
> I took care of the build system and changed it for that.
> Yes I confirm now it doesn't work anymore, so we should fix it.


the cocoon.jar is build first and then the roles get applied...
so in the build dir there is the correct cocoon.roles in the end :-/

BTW: I just found doing a plain "build" gives me the same esql problem you 
just reported while "build installwar" works just fine *sigh*

> > If you just want to add a new block - you wouldn't have to
> > rebuild the core
> > but compile that block which will produce the block and update
> > the roles.jar.
> I feared that you would say this, but this reminds me of a poor-mans
> concept of blocks.

thankyou! *moping*

...at least it will work - the roles is a plague anyway.

> > then let's at least polish the current build system a little...
> Yupp!

That's all I wanted. But once you set ball rolling... ;-)

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