
IOException in index()

description org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException: IOException in index(): java.io.FileNotFoundException: /Users/jermq/Library/TomCat/work/Standalone/localhost/cocoon/cocoon- files/index/_1d.f30 (Too many open files)

This causes the index to be incomplete, and causes further problems when you try to search using the index.

If I use the Lucene Samples in Cocoon, and index my Cocoon documentation, I always get this error.
Hm, i once got this kind of error, too,
but i can't remember exactly how i did solve it,
perhaps you must set the mergefactor of lucene differently.
As much as i remember lucene has some options about how many files are kept opened in case of indexing,
it later merges the indexes files, ....

Before I started to have the indexing failures, I had another problem, this time much more difficult to replicate.

About every 10 searches, I would get a "Bad Resource" error from LuceneGenerator. A simple reload of the page would give me the search hits I expected.

Can anyone think of a Cocoon cause for these problems, or should I get onto the Lucene team about them?
Do you have anymore detailed exception stack traces?

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