> Thanks, Peter.
> How/where do you set this?
> In the command-line invocation of TomCat?
> I just did a "man ulimit" and got no results on MacOSX.

ulimit is a "BASH BUILTIN COMMAND". No idea if there's something similar on

Here's what my man-pages say about ulimit:

 ulimit [-SHacdflmnpstuv [limit]]
              Provides control over the  resources  available  to
              the  shell  and to processes started by it, on sys-
              tems that allow such control.  The value  of  limit
              can  be  a  number  in  the  unit specified for the
              resource, or the value unlimited.  The  -H  and  -S
              options  specify that the hard or soft limit is set
              for the given resource.  A  hard  limit  cannot  be
              increased  once  it  is  set;  a  soft limit may be
              increased up to the value of the  hard  limit.   If
              neither  -H  nor -S is specified, both the soft and
              hard limits are set.  If limit is omitted, the cur-
              rent  value  of  the  soft limit of the resource is
              printed, unless the -H option is given.  When  more
              than  one resource is specified, the limit name and
              unit are printed before the value.   Other  options
              are interpreted as follows:
              -a     All current limits are reported
              -c     The maximum size of core files created
              -d     The maximum size of a process's data segment
              -f     The maximum size of  files  created  by  the
              -l     The  maximum  size  that  may be locked into
              -m     The maximum resident set size
              -n     The maximum number of open file  descriptors
                     (most  systems do not allow this value to be
              -p     The pipe size in 512-byte blocks  (this  may
                     not be set)
              -s     The maximum stack size
              -t     The maximum amount of cpu time in seconds
              -u     The maximum number of processes available to
                     a single user
              -v     The maximum amount of virtual memory  avail-
                     able to the shell 
              If limit is given, it is the new value of the spec-
              ified resource (the -a option is display only).  If
              no option is given, then -f is assumed.  Values are
              in 1024-byte increments, except for -t, which is in
              seconds,  -p, which is in units of 512-byte blocks,
              and -n and -u,  which  are  unscaled  values.   The
              return  status  is  0  unless  an invalid option is
              encountered,  a  non-numeric  argument  other  than
              unlimited  is supplied as limit, or an error occurs
              while setting a new limit.


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