Hello all,

to finalize the planing, I'd like to sum up some aspects; I am hoping for some *quick* feedback (i.e. votes) regarding the location, so I can make a reservation at one place or another:

* Who: Regarding the guests, the list has grown considerably compared to the last Stammtisch - hopefully I haven't forgot anyone, but currently it looks like Marcus Crafter, Michael Melhem, Wolfram Eisert, Christian Haul, Mariano Kamp, Torsten Curdt, Matthew Langham, Carsten Ziegeler and Andreas Fuchs plus myself are probably going to visit, making it 10 people; when our "international" guests can make it too, we'd be 13 - well, I am not superstitious, but anyone is invited to increase that number.

* When: As a date for the Stammtisch, we more or less settled on December, 9th; we might even have some guests from the UK (Andrew Savory), Belgium (Steven Noels) and perhaps Italy (Nicola Ken Barozzi).

* Where: Here, we still have to decide - due to lacking public transport connectivity and the necessity for un-alcoholized drivers for the Schnitzel armageddon, we need an alternative location (*sigh*) that is easily accessed via public transport. Michael Melhem proposed an irish pub at Frankfurt/Hauptbahnhof (@Michael: "main train station", so I made an educated guess - right ? Do you have a phone number of that pub ?) which should reduce any travelling by public transport to a minimum, but I fear that we lack the possibility to reserve for up to 13 people, having a meal or a noise level suited for a decent conversation, but I may be wrong. An alternative proposal of mine was a good restaurant at Frankfurt/Höchst, about 3 train stations (or 9 minutes) from Frankfurt/Hauptbahnhof, which is close to the train station, large enough for us, provides good yugoslavian food and you can have a good talk over there; all this needs is using the local train towards the city - at 00:39, the latest train (S1 direction "Offenbach Ost") heads towards the city.

Gentlemen, place your votes.

Best regards,

Michael Hartle,
Hartle & Klug Consulting GmbH

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