I've made a jsp block on my hd and tried to compile it, when I got six exceptions about class not found. Here's one:

\apache\cocoon\components\jsp\JSPEngineImplWLS.java:157: package weblogic.servlet.internal does not exist

Eeeeck, this would be a block with a conditional compilation upon a package I don't have... do I need weblogic to compile it? Because is I don't compile the class, the block is not complete, and it's not good.

On the other hand, I can make a mock object to compile the classes, but then I have a block that has an optional dependency, and don't know how we will make the dependency resolution work with optional stuff.

So IMHO the real options are:
1) use mock objects
2) divide the block in two: jsp-block and jsp-weblogic-block

I prepend for (1), but it still doesn't satisfy me completely... heeeelp!

Nicola Ken Barozzi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- verba volant, scripta manent -
(discussions get forgotten, just code remains)

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