Morrison, John wrote:
From: Bernhard Huber [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

i've tried it already.
it's quite easy taking the forrest jetty setting as blue-print.
Done (there and here ;-)

jetty as much as i 've experienced is quite fast, and needs less memory.
Yes, it's very nice for testing and embedding, like in this case.

mapping the cocoon's webapp to uri / gives some weird link problems.
the cocoon webapplication seems to prefer to be mapped to /cocoon,
or at least to some other none / only servlet uri.

Would be worth fixing this (when?) jetty is part of the release...
The problem is there now for everyone to see...

build run

On my computer also the samples are having problems, but that's also in Tomcat...

you have my +1
Mine too; +1.
Enjoy :-)

Let's see if we like it, if not we can always zap it before the 2.1 release.

Nicola Ken Barozzi                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
            - verba volant, scripta manent -
   (discussions get forgotten, just code remains)

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