> If you ask me, you should never use the sitemap to describe any 
> processing other than page generation. 

That is one of our goals and my main rational for looking what ways we can
do that.  I think I've stated this several times in this thread, but given
how long it's been going on (and the amount of snipping I've been doing to
try and keep the message size reasonable) I wouldn't be surprised if that's
been lost.

> For everything else, just use 
> the flow layer to describe the interactions between pages, and business 
> logic you express in Java or a functional language (like Scheme) 
> implemented in Java if you really want to. Trying to put the rules that 
> describe your application in the sitemap is more cumbersome than the 
> approach I suggested above.
> I implemented an earlier version of the control flow layer in Scheme, 
> to take advantage of the continuations concept this language supports. 
> The current control flow layer is designed to support other languages 
> as well, so if you're interested, you can add support for Scheme. But 
> again, you should keep in mind the control flow layer is designed to 
> write your application logic elsewhere than in the sitemap.

The language I want for the flow layer happens to be XSLT...???

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