In 2.0.3 and before you could execute multiple cocoon:/  uris using the following code in a thread-safe manner:

         Source  source = resolver.resolve(src);
We have an AsynchronousCIncludeTransformer that executes multiple pipelines this way.  Multiple threads from a pool use the same SourceResolver (from the initial request), to resolve and execute sources concurrently.  

This no longer works in the current 2.0.3branch.  

I believe that this has something to do with the Environment.  The recent fixes to the environment stack made things much better, but there is still some subtle issue that hasn't been resolved (so to speak).

Actually, it works correctly the first time I use our code, but Source resolving breaks on subsequent attempts.  It seems that some subtle aspect of the environment isn't being reset correctly.  

We get this error attempting to resolve the source:   cocoon:/process?ds=demographics&id=1_1

    at org.apache.coyote.tomcat4.CoyoteRequestFacade.getQueryString(
    at org.apache.cocoon.environment.http.HttpRequest.getQueryString(
    at org.apache.cocoon.environment.wrapper.RequestWrapper.<init>(
    at org.apache.cocoon.environment.wrapper.EnvironmentWrapper.<init>(
    at org.apache.cocoon.components.source.SitemapSource.<init>(
    at org.apache.cocoon.components.source.CocoonSourceFactory.getSource(
    at org.apache.cocoon.components.source.SourceHandlerImpl.getSource(
    at org.apache.cocoon.environment.AbstractEnvironment.resolve(
    at dataserver.asynchronous.AsynchronousProcessorImpl.executeSource(
    at dataserver.asynchronous.AsynchronousProcessorImpl$

I've tried catching the exception in the EnvironmentWrapper, to no avail -- the Request that's passed along is no good.

1) Is any of this ringing a bell?   Any clues?  Sylvain?

I know this is difficult to test without a sample.  My hope is that the problem is significant enough to you committers to warrant fixing now.  I would be happy to put together a test case and example for you to debug on your own system.  

Also, I would love to donate the AsynchronousCIncludeTransformer.  It's slightly over-componentized at the moment, but I'll send it to anyone interested.


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