On 13.Dec.2002 -- 01:07 AM, Nicola Ken Barozzi wrote:
> Thus, I propose that input modules and sources have heir place in the 
> org.apache.cocoon.* package space, and that are defined in the sitemap 
> alongside other components, like their parents generators and actions.

What's wrong with org.apache.cocoon.components.* ?

>  org.apache.cocoon.sources.*


>  org.apache.cocoon.modules.*


> Also:
> <map:components>
>   <map:sources default="file"></map:sources>
>  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>   <map:generators default="file"></map:generators>
>   <map:transformers default="xslt"></map:transformers>
>   <map:readers default="resource"></map:readers>
>   <map:serializers default="html"></map:serializers>
>   <map:matchers default="wildcard">  </map:matchers>
>   <map:selectors default="browser">  </map:selectors>
>   <map:modules default="defaults"></map:modules>
>  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>   <map:actions>  </map:actions>
>   <map:pipelines default="caching">  </map:pipelines>
>  </map:components>

+1 (a default may be difficult for modules: {:something} ??)

> Thus we would have them in blocks; the ones with external dependencies 
> in their own blocks, the others in a single block for each group.

what would prevent this with the current package names ??

in addition +1 for sitemap.xconf / components.xconf

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