I just switched to the interpreted sitemap and <map:redirect-to "cocoon:/someuri"/>
does indeed work, but it took a while to get everything else working again.

In cocoon.xconf, why is the "file" attribute of "sitemap" ignored when using the
interpreted sitemap implementation?  Is there a new attribute to use for this purpose?

  <sitemap file="path-and-filename.xmap"/>


>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 01/08/03 10:09AM >>>
>AFAIK, internal redirect is only implemented for the interpreted sitemap
>and 2.0.x uses the compiled sitemap by default.
>From for 2.0.3:
>       Handle request forwarding (aka internal redirects) using the
>"cocoon:" pseudo-protocol : writing <map:redirect-to
>uri="cocoon:/"/> makes a recursive call on the current sitemap
>without going back to the browser (as usual, "cocoon://" uses the
>root sitemap). This also keeps any data that have been stored as request
>attributes. Note: this is only available in the interpreted sitemap
>engine for now, and will come soon on the compiled engine. (SW) 
>You need to dig into cocoon.xconf to change the <sitemap> configuration.
>(I tried that with 2.0.3 but had then other problems like inheritance in
>subsitemaps not working.
>Since then I am staying an 2.1dev where the treeprocessor is the default
>and working fine.)
>HTH, Alfred.

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