Ugo Cei wrote:
Giacomo Pati wrote:

On Wed, 8 Jan 2003, Ugo Cei wrote:

My flowscript is getting big, and I've coded just a fraction of the
functionality of my app.
What is big for you in terms of lines?

The one I'm currently working on is about 300 lines and I'm starting to feel unconfortable about it. The problem is that this script contains just some minimal user management functions and now I'd like to start adding some application-specific functions. I'd rather not keep them together, considering also the fact that I might wnat to reuse the user-management functions in another app.

> I thought a flowscript would be small and logic is modularized into Java
> classes.

Mostly it is, but each function has (typically) to:

- check some preconditions (is the user logged in, is she authorized?)
- initialize or retrieve some domain objects
- invoke a view (typically a form)
- retrieve data from the posted form
- validate them
- store the domain object
- maybe do the same for one or more other forms in a sequence
- handle exceptions
- etc.

So, even putting most of the code in Java classes, we're still talking of a screenful of lines per function. And in some applications, you might have tens, if not hundreds of them.
Just FYI, JavaScript has the ability to pass a function as a parameter of another function. That makes a pretty light and cheapo aspect-orientation way.

Stefano Mazzocchi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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