Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
Now, think if an implementation for copy(). Each Source implementation
must test if the destination is the same source implementation or not.
If not use IS/OS if yes use optimized etc.

So, if we are using these "marker" interfaces for all other parts, I
really think we should add a "MoveableSource" (substitute the
name if you

I thought these operations are a kind of writing operations.

and have an utility class check if:
a) both sources have the same implementation and
b) implement MoveableSource
If both is answered with yes, this can be used - if not the
utility class

uses IS/OS copying.
I like code sippets ;-)

sippets? :) (ok, just kidding)

class MySource implements MoveableSource
void copy(Source source)
  // impementation depending copy

class SourceCopyUtil<whatever>
void copy(Source from, Source to)
  If ((from instanceof MoveableSource) &&
   // impementation depending copy
   IS/OS copy

Something like that?


Would you suggest to have two interfaces, one for copying
and one for moving? Or is it ok, to implement a move as a copy/delete?
IMHO, no. Think of a 600MB file on your hardrive. When moving this file from one folder to another it's much less expensive to play with the I-Nodes, than actually copying 600MB of data and then deleting 600 MB of data.

You should give the Source implementation a hook to do such optimizations with a fallback of a default implementation.

Within a WebDAV repository, like Slide, you also loose all your metadata, when not using the methods of the store for copying and moving resources.




Jens Lorenz

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