Jeff Turner wrote:

On Thu, Jan 09, 2003 at 08:52:23PM +0100, Steven Noels wrote:

Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:

I hereby propose Jeff Turner for cocoon committership. He is one of the major forces behind Forrest and has been proposing important patches and features addition to the main Cocoon repository.


Wohoo! :) Thanks for the nomination, it is an honour.

David & I asked some time ago, but he prefered keeping low-profile at that time. But I'm sure he won't refuse the offer if it comes from you :-)

Well obviously, David and Steven.. pfft, they're not nearly as good as
Stefano ;)  No, only joking.. in fact David ought to be everyone's Cocoon
role-model, doing unglamorous but essential things like improving docs
and validation. But I digress..

As I said then, Forrest will always be my main focus.  I want it to be
Cocoon's killer app: dead-simple site generation, filling the vast low-
to medium-complexity publishing niche that Cocoon currently misses.  If
you all don't mind this user-centric perspective and associated low
'commit rate',

We value quality over quantity :-)


then I'd count it an honour to be a committer, and do what
I can to help.


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