Dear All

Trying to get Cocoon to compile under Eclipse, on MacOSX.

Eclipse comes up with this pretty fundamental error:

"The project was not built since its classpath is incomplete. Cannot
find the class file for javax.swing.JFrame. Fix the classpath then try
rebuilding this project."

Have any of you managed to get this particular combination to work?

I set up mine, by first running Sylvain's 'eclipse-project' Ant task, then imported Cocoon.

Going through Eclipse's prefs, it appears to have found the MacOSX JRE correctly, and mentions 'classes.jar' and 'ui.jar' by name.

In the 'Package Explorer' pane of my project, there is an entry for 'JRE_LIB' using '/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.3.1/Classes/ classes.jar', but no reference to 'ui.jar'. There is no javax.swing.* in classes.jar.

I am puzzled .... building in Ant works fine ....

Thanks for any help

regards Jeremy

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