I just started to play with flow; I've read (some) threads on the ML and I'm slowly catching up. My intention is to give it a try and, if it works, start using it heavily in an application we have to build shortly. While at it, I wanted to write, with the fresh mind of a newcomer, a short tutorial/howto/documentation (which I feel is heavily missed ;-)).

This said, unfortunately, I'm not even getting the samples to work. I'm stuck in front of a

TypeError: function WebContinuation() {
[native code]
is not a function. (resource://org/apache/cocoon/components/flow/javascript/system.js; line 29)

for the calc example, that used to work until some times ago. This has been tested with the embedded Jetty (./build.sh run) and a fresh CVS checkout.

OTOH, I gave a quick look to the object model, and found that there is no facility for logging. Is that on purpose? Have I heavily overlooked something?

Gianugo Rabellino
Pro-netics s.r.l.

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