Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:

AFAIK Saint Ovidiu Predescu :-D

He had started it in a strange freaky language with continuations....

We didn't understand what he was doing, but he seemed so passionate about it that we could not get together the courage to stop him.

No way, I do remember having to keep pushing people aside to give Ovidiu room to breath when people were freaking out of Scheme's parenthesis and I was probably only one of the two who got the concept and believed in it.

Then somehow he finally understood that Javascript could be the key to opening the vault of knowledge to mortals, and finally we understood!

He understood because I told him explicitly that scheme would never be used no matter how great the concept was.

then he found rhyno+continuations and the rest is history.

Great respect for brother Ovidiu :-)

And brother Christopher who added continuations to Rhyno.

Kudos to both of you!

I need to join the thread to thank you both for such a powerful construct.

Continuations have been a exotic component in computing languages (except for Scheme, I never saw the concept in 20+ years). I'm quite sure that, after Cocoon2.x spreads more, they will be fashionable in other languages.

While I knew them (I have used "Structure and interpretation of computer programs" to improve my programming back in last century ;-) ) I never thought that they could be used to freeze the state of a web application in such a clean way.

And I never thought that JavaScript could be made "to be continued..." ;-)


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