On Tue, 4 Feb 2003, Pier Fumagalli wrote:

> > stevenn     2003/02/04 11:13:03
> >
> > Modified:    src/blocks/chaperon/samples/stylesheets class2html.xsl
> >                       java2html.xsl
> > Log:
> > fixed the XSLT validation errors - please crosscheck
> That works... Sitemap's now broken :-(
> Error at URL
> "file:/home/pier/xml-cocoon2/build/cocoon/webapp/samples/chaperon/sitemap.xm
> ap", line number 46, column number 49: element "parameter" from namespace
> "http://apache.org/cocoon/sitemap/1.0"; not allowed in this context
> Error at URL
> "file:/home/pier/xml-cocoon2/build/cocoon/webapp/samples/chaperon/sitemap.xm
> ap", line number 47, column number 50: element "parameter" from namespace
> "http://apache.org/cocoon/sitemap/1.0"; not allowed in this context

Seems, I'm the first one, who makes usage of the Parameterizable IF...
BTW, is there a reason, why everybody uses


instead of

 <map:parameter name="name" value="value"/>

? And validation isn't an argument, because

 <map:parameter name="name" value="value"/>

is also not validate able.

Stephan, I'll fix this, Michels.

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