Matt Sergeant wrote:
On Thu, 20 Feb 2003, Steven Noels wrote:

* A sh*tload of (even Cocoon-based) (half-baked) CMS solutions exist
already, which might or might not be willing to join ASF in the future.
What will happen if Lenya (nice name BTW) comes and claims that area?
Will it be the reference ASF CMS tool? Can CMS be considered an area
where the ASF wants to operate in, like Zope (CMF) is...? Or do we stick
to supporting technology like servlet containers, http stacks, build
tools ... I know there is no policy at ASF that states only one CMS
project can exist under the ASF umbrella, but still there is only one
JetSpeed, one Tomcat, one Cocoon, etc etc - I hope my point is clear.

Not really. There's mod_perl vs mod_php vs jakarta, there's Cocoon vs
AxKit, and probably a few other projects that I haven't thought about that
operate in the same space within the ASF.

You really need to get out of your Java shaped shell :-)

Tell him, brother :)

Stefano Mazzocchi                               <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Pluralitas non est ponenda sine necessitate [William of Ockham]

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