stefano     2003/03/01 09:48:00

  Modified:    src/webapp/samples samples.xml sitemap.xmap
  starting to cleanup the huge samples mess (this will take a while people, so please 
be patient)
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.41      +11 -92    xml-cocoon2/src/webapp/samples/samples.xml
  Index: samples.xml
  RCS file: /home/cvs/xml-cocoon2/src/webapp/samples/samples.xml,v
  retrieving revision 1.40
  retrieving revision 1.41
  diff -u -r1.40 -r1.41
  --- samples.xml       15 Feb 2003 04:28:53 -0000      1.40
  +++ samples.xml       1 Mar 2003 17:48:00 -0000       1.41
  @@ -1,70 +1,8 @@
   <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
  -<!-- CVS: $Id$ -->
  -<samples xmlns:xlink="";>
  -  <group name="Hello World!">
  -    <sample name="XML" href="hello-world/hello.html.source">
  -    A simple XML page source.
  -   </sample>
  -    <sample name="Web Service" href="hello-world/hello.service">
  -    A simple Web Service (REST style).
  -   </sample>
  -    <sample name="Web Service WSDL" href="hello-world/hello.service/WSDL">
  -    WSDL for the Web Service.
  -   </sample>
  -    <sample name="HTML" href="hello-world/hello.html">
  -    This is a very simple demonstration of how to use Cocoon. A simple XML page
  -    is transformed into an HTML page.
  -   </sample>
  -    <sample name="XHTML" href="hello-world/hello.xhtml">
  -    Here it is output as XHTML.
  -   </sample>
  -    <sample name="TEXT" href="hello-world/hello.txt">
  -    The XML page is transformed into a plain text page.  
  -   </sample>
  -    <sample name="WML" href="hello-world/hello.wml">
  -    Now something more juicy: the exact same page is translated into WAP WML.
  -   </sample>
  -    <sample name="VoxML" href="hello-world/hello.vml">
  -    Maybe you have your hands busy? with VoxML you don't need hands, just your 
  -   </sample>
  -    <sample name="SVG" href="hello-world/hello.svg">
  -    Need a fancier look? No problem, SVG is your friend.
  -   </sample>
  -    <sample name="SVG JPEG" href="hello-world/hello.jpg">
  -    Need a fancier look but don't have an SVG browser? SVG is served as JPEG by 
  -   </sample>
  -    <sample name="SWF" href="hello-world/hello.swf">
  -    If you have a flash plugin Cocoon will serve you a SWF.
  -   </sample>
  -    <sample name="VRML" href="hello-world/hello.wrl">
  -    Need more space? Well, not really useful in this case, but VRML may come handy.
  -   </sample>
  -    <sample name="PDF" href="hello-world/hello.pdf">
  -    Printed HTML sucks? Don't worry, your friend Cocoon gives you a nice PDF (fop).
  -   </sample>
  -    <sample name="PDF" href="hello-world/hello2.pdf">
  -    Printed HTML sucks? Don't worry, your friend Cocoon gives you a nice PDF 
  -   </sample>
  -    <sample name="PS" href="hello-world/">
  -    You prefer postscript? No problem, here it is!
  -   </sample>
  -    <sample name="RTF" href="hello-world/hello.rtf">
  -    How about RTF? Load this one in your favorite wordprocessor!
  -   </sample>
  -    <sample name="XLS" href="hello-world/hello.xls">
  -    Still stuck with legacy file formats? Don't worry, here is an example.
  -   </sample>
  -  </group>
  -  <group name="Web Applications">
  -    <sample name="Web Applications" href="sample-apps">
  -    Samples showing how to perform form processing, state management,
  -    and simple web-application with login and protected resources.
  -   </sample>
  -  </group>
     <group name="System Tools And Pages">
  -    <!-- sample name="Sitemap Editor" href="sitebuilder/openSubSite/">
  -    Cocoon/JSP based Sitemap Editor.
  -   </sample -->
       <sample name="Status Page" href="status">
       Cocoon status page.
  @@ -84,6 +22,7 @@
       This example shows what happens if an error is triggered in the pipeline.
     <group name="Control flow">
       <sample name="Documentation" href="flow/">
       Introduction to Cocoon's control flow of Web pages.
  @@ -92,6 +31,7 @@
       Samples implemented using control flow.
     <group name="XMLForm: Form Handling and Web Services">
       <sample name="Documentation" href="xmlform/overview.html">
       Introduction to Cocoon's form handling framework,
  @@ -108,6 +48,7 @@
        exposed as a Web Service.     
     <group name="Web Site Syndication">
       <sample name="Examples" href="webserviceproxy/">
       Demonstrates how to embed One Web Site functionality
  @@ -121,34 +62,14 @@
       services without writing a single line of business logic code.
       Only styling is used in addition to the proxy.
  -    <sample name="Documentation" 
  -    Learn about syndication of web content and functionality.  
  -    Look at use cases, diagrams and sample code.
  -   </sample>
     <group name="Internationalization &amp; Localization">
       <sample name="i18n samples" href="i18n/">
       Internationalization with Cocoon
  -  <group name="Documentation">
  -    <sample name="Docs" href="../documents/index">
  -    The Cocoon documentation.
  -   </sample>
  -    <sample name="List of docs" href="../documents/doclist.html">
  -    Generated list of all documentation (aggregates each book.xml)
  -   </sample>
  -    <sample name="Slides" href="../slides/slides">
  -    An old, but still relevant, presentation of Cocoon 1 shown at
  -    ApacheCon 2000 (an example of complex XSLT usage).
  -   </sample>
  -    <sample name="Search the docs" href="search/welcome">
  -    Search into the Cocoon documentation using Apache Lucene.
  -   </sample>
  -    <sample name="Check links" href="linkstatus/">
  -    Verify that there are no broken hyperlinks in the Cocoon documentation.
  -   </sample>
  -  </group>
     <group name="More Samples">
       <sample name="Static Content" href="sample-static">
       How to produce different type of static content.
  @@ -163,14 +84,11 @@
       Samples showing possible ways how to use Cocoon sources in sitemap.
       (These samples are served by sub-sitemap)
  -    <sample name="Legacy file formats" href="poi/">
  -    Samples showing how to use Apache POI to use common office file formats
  -    with Cocoon.
  -   </sample>
  -    <sample name="Miscellaneous" href="misc/">
  +   <sample name="Miscellaneous" href="misc/">
       Other samples: Catalog entity resolver, ...
     <group name="Block samples">
       <sample name="Blocks with samples" href="blocks">
       Functionality outside the core has been moved to units called "blocks".
  @@ -179,6 +97,7 @@
       Look here ... samples for more and more blocks are in this section.
     <group name="Scratchpad samples">
       <sample name="Try Scratchpad" href="scratchpad">
       Here is a peek of what the next release of Cocoon will bring.
  1.30      +7 -380    xml-cocoon2/src/webapp/samples/sitemap.xmap
  Index: sitemap.xmap
  RCS file: /home/cvs/xml-cocoon2/src/webapp/samples/sitemap.xmap,v
  retrieving revision 1.29
  retrieving revision 1.30
  diff -u -r1.29 -r1.30
  --- sitemap.xmap      31 Jan 2003 18:20:45 -0000      1.29
  +++ sitemap.xmap      1 Mar 2003 17:48:00 -0000       1.30
  @@ -1,56 +1,10 @@
   <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  -<map:sitemap xmlns:map="";>
  -   This is the 'heart' of Cocoon. The sitemap maps URI space to 
  -   resources. It consists basicly of two parts: components and
  -   pipelines. Pipelines are made out of components. There is such a
  -   vast number of components available that it would be impossible to
  -   describe them here, please refer to the accompanying
  -   documentation. For specific components, have a look also at the
  -   javadocs for them. Most pipelines are present to demonstrate some
  -   feature or technique, often they are explained in more detail in 
  -   the accompanying documentation.
  -   There are some other, less important parts that deal with
  -   resources, views and action sets. For now, ignore them.
  +<map:sitemap xmlns:map="";>
   <!-- =========================== Components ================================ -->
  -  All pipelines consist at least of two components: a generator, that
  -  produces the content and a serialiser, that delivers the content to
  -  the client.
  -  More precisely: a generator generates SAX events and a serializer
  -  consumes these events and produces a character stream.
  -  Some things to note here: each generator has a unique name, this
  -  name is mapped to a java class, one name is declared as default
  -  generator. In addition each generator may have additional
  -  configurations as child elements.
  -  Additional attributes are targeted at the component manager. The optional
  -  "label" attribute is relevant for the view concept below. The optional
  -  "logger" attribute defines the logging category where messages produced
  -  by a component should go. If there's no "logger" attribute, the category
  -  used is the one defined for the "sitemap" component in cocoon.xconf.
  -  We have chosen in this example sitemap to use a different logging category
  -  for each component, which allows fine-grained classification of log
  -  messages. But you are free to use any category you want.
  -  It is possible to have the same java class declared as different
  -  generators by using different names. No configuration options are
  -  shared between these instances, however.
  -  All components follow this schema.
     <map:generators default="file"/>
     <map:transformers default="xslt"/>
     <map:readers default="resource"/>
  @@ -63,67 +17,26 @@
     <map:selectors default="browser"/>
  -  Actions are executed during pipeline setup. Their purpose is to
  -  execute some arbitrary complex code. They are the work horses of
  -  pipelines. Use them to update databases, check external resources
  -  etc. The execution may fail or complete successfully. Only if the
  -  execution was successful, the pipeline fragment contained inside is
  -  used within the pipeline. Related concepts are matchers and
  -  selectors.
  -  Since this is important, let me repeat it: Actions are executed
  -  during pipeline setup.
  -  <map:actions>
  -<!-- example, see databases block samples for more -->
  -    <map:action logger="sitemap.action.add-employee" name="add-employee" 
  -    <map:action logger="sitemap.action.del-employee" name="del-employee" 
  -    <map:action logger="sitemap.action.upd-employee" name="upd-employee" 
  -  </map:actions>
   <!-- =========================== Views =================================== -->
  -  Views provide diffent, well, views to resources. Views are
  -  orthogonal to pipelines. Please refer to the docs.
  -  <map:view name="content" from-label="content">
  -   <map:serialize type="xml"/>
  -  </map:view>
     <map:view name="pretty-content" from-label="data">
       <map:transform src="common/style/xsl/html/simple-xml2html.xsl"/>
       <map:serialize type="html"/>
  -  <map:view name="links" from-position="last">
  -   <map:serialize type="links"/>
  -  </map:view>
   <!-- =========================== Resources ================================= -->
  -  Resources are pipeline fragments that may be used from different
  -  pipeline fragments. For our needs, they behave exactly like
  -  pipelines, only that they are not accessible from outside.
  -  Hence I will explain what's inside below for pipelines.
     <map:resource name="slides">
      <map:generate src="docs/samples/slides/slides.xml"/>
      <map:transform src="stylesheets/slides/slides-navigation.xsl">
       <map:parameter name="use-request-parameters" value="true"/>
  -    <map:parameter name="use-browser-capabilities-db" value="true"/>
      <map:transform src="stylesheets/slides/slides-apachecon.xsl"/>
  @@ -184,57 +97,9 @@
  -<!-- ========================== Action sets ================================ -->
  -  Action sets group actions together. If some actions are often used
  -  together in pipeline fragments, it's easier to group them and refer
  -  to the group. For more info, please see the docs.
  - <map:action-sets>
  -<!-- example, see databases block samples for more -->
  -  <map:action-set name="employee">
  -   <map:act action="Add" type="add-employee"/>
  -   <map:act action="Delete" type="del-employee"/>
  -   <map:act action="Update" type="upd-employee"/>
  -  </map:action-set>
  - </map:action-sets>
   <!-- =========================== Pipelines ================================= -->
  -  Pipelines. The beef. Pipelines specify, how the processing of your
  -  content is done. Usually, a pipeline consists of several fragments
  -  that specify the generation, transformation, and serialization of
  -  SAX events.
  -  Processing is done in two steps:
  -  1) The top level elements are executed in order of appearance until
  -     one signals success. These top level elements are usually
  -     matchers. AFAIK other components are not supported for this.
  -     Other components are called depth-first to determine what
  -     fragments make up the processing pipeline. When a component
  -     fails, no nested components are called but the next component on
  -     the same level.
  -  2) Once it is determined which generator, which transformers and
  -     wich serializer is used, these components are executed. During
  -     this, the pipeline may not be changed.
  -  You may have as many pipelines in your sitemap as you like. However,
  -  it seems that the only purposes would be to specify different error
  -  handlers.
  -  <map:component-configurations>
  -     <!-- Define component configuration here -->
  -  </map:component-configurations>
       <!-- Welcome site with all samples -->
  @@ -284,6 +149,7 @@
         <!-- Mount: -->
         <map:mount check-reload="yes" src="sub/sitemap.xmap" uri-prefix="sub"/>
           Sitemaps may be organized hierarchically. Here such a subsitemap
           is "mounted" (think: unix filesystems) to be responsible for all
  @@ -317,35 +183,6 @@
         <map:transform src="stylesheets/simple-xml2html.xsl"/>
  -    <!-- Below goes entries added by Cocoon build system -->
  -    <!-- XSP pages written in Javascript -->
  -    <map:match pattern="xsp-js/*">
  -      <map:generate src="docs/samples/xsp-js/{1}.xsp" type="serverpages">
  -        <map:parameter name="programming-language" value="js"/>
  -      </map:generate>
  -      <map:transform src="context://samples/stylesheets/dynamic-page2html.xsl">
  -         <map:parameter name="servletPath" value="{request:servletPath}"/>
  -         <map:parameter name="sitemapURI" value="{request:sitemapURI}"/>
  -         <map:parameter name="contextPath" value="{request:contextPath}"/>
  -         <map:parameter name="file" value=".xsp"/>
  -      </map:transform>
  -      <map:serialize/>
  -    </map:match>
  -    <!-- ======================= XML:DB ============================== -->
  -    <map:match pattern="xmldb/**">
  -      <map:match pattern="xpath" type="request-parameter">
  -        <map:generate src="xmldb:xindice://localhost:4080/db/{../1}#{1}"/>
  -        <map:serialize type="xml"/>
  -      </map:match>
  -      <map:generate src="xmldb:xindice://localhost:4080/db/{1}"/>
  -      <map:serialize type="xml"/>
  -    </map:match>
     <!-- main samples pipeline -->
  @@ -421,51 +258,6 @@
  -   <map:match pattern="welcome-svg">
  -    <map:generate src="samples.xml"/>
  -    <map:transform src="stylesheets/svg-samples2html.xsl"/>
  -    <map:transform type="extractor"/>
  -    <!-- 
  -       Here, several transformers are needed to obtain the desired
  -       result. Note, that the above is not the default transformer but
  -       one named "extractor". Interestingly enough, this transformer
  -       does not need any additional configuration or input.
  -       If we look at it's javadocs it says:
  -       "[...] The transformation half of the FragmentExtractor. This
  -       transformer sieves an incoming stream of xml with embedded SVG
  -       images and replaces the images with an xlink locator pointing
  -       to the image. [...]"
  -       So, this interacts with the fragment below, doing the actual
  -       generating.
  -    -->
  -    <map:transform src="stylesheets/fragment-extractor.xsl"/>
  -    <map:serialize/>
  -   </map:match>
  -   <map:match pattern="welcome-svg-images/*.png">
  -    <map:generate src="{1}" type="extractor"/>
  -    <!--
  -       Again, citing the javadocs:
  -       "[...] The generation half of
  -       FragmentExtractor. FragmentExtractor is a transformer-generator
  -       pair which is designed to allow sitemap managers to extract
  -       certain nodes from a SAX stream and move them into a separate
  -       pipeline. The main use for this is to extract inline SVG images
  -       and serve them up through a separate pipeline, usually
  -       serializing them to PNG or JPEG format first. [...]"
  -    -->
  -    <map:serialize type="svg2png"/>
  -   </map:match>
      <!-- ================  Hello  =========================== -->
      <map:match pattern="deli.html">
  @@ -504,24 +296,12 @@
       <map:serialize type="xml"/>
  -   <map:match pattern="hello.svg">
  -    <map:generate src="docs/samples/hello-page.xml"/>
  -    <map:transform src="stylesheets/page/simple-page2svg.xsl"/>
  -    <map:serialize type="svg2jpeg"/>
  -   </map:match>
      <map:match pattern="hello.wrl">
       <map:generate src="docs/samples/hello-page.xml"/>
       <map:transform src="stylesheets/page/simple-page2vrml.xsl"/>
       <map:serialize type="vrml"/>
  -   <map:match pattern="hello.pdf">
  -    <map:generate src="docs/samples/hello-page.xml"/>
  -    <map:transform src="stylesheets/page/simple-page2fo.xsl"/>
  -    <map:serialize type="fo2pdf"/>
  -   </map:match>
      <map:match pattern="redirect">
       <map:act type="request">
        <map:parameter name="parameters" value="true"/>
  @@ -621,41 +401,6 @@
      <!-- ================  Static  =========================== -->
  -   <map:match pattern="fo">
  -    <map:generate src="docs/samples/fo/"/>
  -    <map:serialize type="fo2pdf"/>
  -   </map:match>
  -   <map:match pattern="svg">
  -    <map:generate src="docs/samples/svg/henryV.svg"/>
  -    <map:serialize type="svg2png"/>
  -   </map:match>
  -   <map:match pattern="scripts/*">
  -    <map:generate src="docs/samples/scripts/{1}" type="script"/>
  -    <map:transform src="context://samples/stylesheets/page/simple-page2html.xsl">
  -       <map:parameter name="servletPath" value="{request:servletPath}"/>
  -       <map:parameter name="sitemapURI" value="{request:sitemapURI}"/>
  -       <map:parameter name="contextPath" value="{request:contextPath}"/>
  -       <map:parameter name="file" value="docs/samples/scripts/{1}"/>
  -       <map:parameter name="remove" value="{0}"/>
  -    </map:transform>
  -    <map:serialize type="html"/>
  -   </map:match>
  -   <map:match pattern="templates/*">
  -    <map:generate src="templates/{1}" type="velocity">
  -       <map:parameter name="name" value="Velocity"/>
  -       <map:parameter name="project" value="Cocoon"/>
  -    </map:generate>
  -    <map:transform src="context://samples/stylesheets/page/simple-page2html.xsl">
  -       <map:parameter name="servletPath" value="{request:servletPath}"/>
  -       <map:parameter name="sitemapURI" value="{request:sitemapURI}"/>
  -       <map:parameter name="contextPath" value="{request:contextPath}"/>
  -    </map:transform>
  -    <map:serialize type="html"/>
  -   </map:match>
      <map:match pattern="slides/slides">
       <map:call resource="slides"/>
  @@ -691,6 +436,7 @@
      <!-- =========================== Dynamic ================================ -->
      <map:match pattern="xsp/*">
       <map:generate src="docs/samples/xsp/{1}.xsp" type="serverpages"/>
       <map:transform src="context://samples/stylesheets/dynamic-page2html.xsl">
  @@ -716,89 +462,8 @@
  -  <!-- ========================== session state ================================= 
  -  <map:match pattern="session-state/example">
  -      <!--
  -         This example like the next one show, that matches can be
  -         nested and don't need to match on URIs alone. By using a
  -         session attribute or the referer header for matches it is
  -         easy to model a state machine with the sitemap.
  -         There are user documents on this.
  -      -->
  -      <map:act type="session-isvalid">
  -        <!-- if session is valid ... -->
  -        <map:match pattern="1" type="sessionstate">
  -           <!-- if a specific session attribute matches pattern "1" -->
  -           <map:match pattern="1" type="next-page">
  -              <map:call resource="dynamic-page1">
  -                 <map:parameter name="target" value="docs/samples/session-state"/>
  -                 <map:parameter name="remove" value="session-state/example"/>
  -              </map:call>
  -              <!-- by calling this resource, the rest of this fragment here is 
irrelevant -->
  -           </map:match>
  -           <map:match pattern="2" type="next-page">
  -              <map:call resource="dynamic-page1">
  -                 <map:parameter name="target" value="docs/samples/session-state"/>
  -                 <map:parameter name="remove" value="session-state/example"/>
  -              </map:call>
  -           </map:match>
  -        </map:match>
  -        <map:match pattern="2" type="sessionstate">
  -           <map:match pattern="1" type="next-page">
  -              <map:call resource="dynamic-page1">
  -                 <map:parameter name="target" value="docs/samples/session-state"/>
  -                 <map:parameter name="remove" value="session-state/example"/>
  -              </map:call>
  -           </map:match>
  -           <map:match pattern="2" type="next-page">
  -              <map:call resource="dynamic-page1">
  -                 <map:parameter name="target" value="docs/samples/session-state"/>
  -                 <map:parameter name="remove" value="session-state/example"/>
  -              </map:call>
  -           </map:match>
  -        </map:match>
  -        <map:call resource="dynamic-page2">
  -           <map:parameter name="target" value="docs/samples/session-state/state0"/>
  -           <map:parameter name="remove" value="session-state/example"/>
  -        </map:call>
  -      </map:act>
  -      <!-- end if session is valid -->
  -      <map:call resource="dynamic-page">
  -         <map:parameter name="target" value="docs/samples/session-state/start"/>
  -         <map:parameter name="remove" value="session-state/example"/>
  -      </map:call>
  -  </map:match>
  -   <!-- ========================== referer ================================= -->
  -  <map:match pattern="referer/*">
  -     <map:match pattern="http://*/cocoon/samples/referer/a"; type="referer-match">
  -        <map:call resource="simple-page">
  -           <map:parameter name="target" value="docs/samples/referer/a/{../1}"/>
  -           <map:parameter name="remove" value="{../0}"/>
  -        </map:call>
  -     </map:match>
  -     <map:match pattern="http://*/cocoon/samples/referer/b"; type="referer-match">
  -        <map:call resource="simple-page">
  -           <map:parameter name="target" value="docs/samples/referer/b/{../1}"/>
  -           <map:parameter name="remove" value="{../0}"/>
  -        </map:call>
  -     </map:match>
  -     <map:call resource="simple-page">
  -        <map:parameter name="target" value="docs/samples/referer/a/a"/>
  -        <map:parameter name="remove" value="{0}"/>
  -     </map:call>
  -  </map:match>
      <!-- ========================== Stream ================================= -->
      <map:match pattern="request1">
        <map:generate type="stream">
          <map:parameter name="form-name" value="Foo"/>
  @@ -818,6 +483,7 @@
      <!-- ========================== XSP Sources ============================== -->
      <map:match pattern="view-source/*">
       <map:read mime-type="text/plain" src="docs/samples/slides/{1}"/>
  @@ -838,12 +504,14 @@
      <!-- ========================== SOAP ============================== -->
      <map:match pattern="soap/*">
       <map:generate src="docs/samples/soap/{1}.xml" type="serverpages"/>
       <map:serialize type="xml"/>
      <!-- ======================== XScript Samples ========================= -->
      <map:match pattern="xscript/soap-getquote1">
        <map:generate src="docs/samples/xscript/soap-getquote1.xsp" 
        <map:transform src="docs/samples/xscript/soap-getquote1.xsl"/>
  @@ -869,20 +537,7 @@
  -   <!-- ========================== Tidy Samples ============================== -->
  -   <map:match pattern="yahoo">
  -    <map:generate src=""; type="html">
  -      <map:parameter name="xpath" value="/html/body/center/table[4]/tr[1]/td[1]"/>
  -    </map:generate>
  -    <map:transform src="stylesheets/news/news.xsl"/>
  -    <map:serialize type="html"/>
  -   </map:match>
      <!-- ========================= Server ================================ -->
  -   <map:match pattern="legacyProfiles/**.rdf">
  -    <map:read mime-type="text/rdf" src="resources/legacyProfiles/{1}.rdf"/>
  -   </map:match>
      <map:match pattern="request">
       <map:generate type="request"/>
  @@ -939,32 +594,6 @@
       <map:read mime-type="image/png" src="resources/images/{1}.png"/>
  -<!--   <map:match pattern="**/">
  -    <map:generate src="{1}" type="directory"/>
  -    <map:transform src="stylesheets/system/directory2html.xsl"/>
  -    <map:serialize/>
  -   </map:match>-->
  -   <map:handle-errors>
  -    <map:transform src="context://samples/stylesheets/system/error2html.xsl"/>
  -    <map:serialize status-code="500"/>
  -   </map:handle-errors>
  -  </map:pipeline>
  -  <map:pipeline>
  -   <map:match pattern="">
  -    <map:redirect-to uri="welcome"/>
  -   </map:match>
  -   <map:match pattern="welcome">
  -    <map:generate src="samples.xml"/>
  -    <map:transform 
  -       <map:parameter name="contextPath" value="{request:contextPath}"/>
  -    </map:transform>
  -    <map:serialize/>
  -   </map:match>
      <map:match pattern="scratchpad">
       <map:generate src="scratchpad-samples.xml"/>
  @@ -1036,5 +665,3 @@
  -<!-- end of file -->

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