Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:

This email is autogenerated from the output from:

Buildfile: build.xml

Target `gump' does not exist in this project.

Damn, forgot to update gump. This nagging thing is really useful :)

As you can see from the nag you have seen on the dropping of projects provides evidence that you can have e-mails sent to any mailing list based on matching a regular expression against the output of any run.

One of my favorites was adding the following to xml-fop:

      <regexp pattern="/Fatal error during transformation/"
               to="[EMAIL PROTECTED]"/>

Xalan has a fairly extensive test suite. Despite this, there was a change that caused a problem with one of fop's stylesheets. By observing that it worked on one day and failed on the next, the scope of potential changes that might have caused this was considerably reduced. I was able to narrow this down to a single change without understanding anything about the design or implementation of xalan by simply doing cvs updates specifying various timestamps and rerunning the build.

Imagine the possibilities of running Forrest on various sites (w/o necessarily publishing the output), for no other reason than to see if recent changes to cocoon will break something downstream.

- Sam Ruby

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