David Crossley wrote:
> Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
> > I just fixed some bugs in the catalog resolving code; as far
> > as I can tell everything is working fine. If you experience
> > problems, just let me know.
> Most bits seem to be working again, e.g. main Cocoon documentation.
> I also resurrected the 'catalog-demo' sample and that works.
> However other bits are still broken. The "Simplified DocBook"
> sample is busted. The old ResolverImpl.java used to load an
> additional catalog via the "local-catalog" parameter of
> cocoon.xconf using a full filesystem pathname starting with "/"
> ... now that is busted and the resolver tries to incorrectly
> load it from .../cocoon-2.1/build/webapp/home/me/work/...
>                                         ^^^^^
Uh, that's not nice. The default catalog is defined by "/WEB-INF/...."
and this is loaded from the context directory.
Now, you say that if I define the "local-catalog" with "/..." then
this should *not* be loaded from the context directory, but
it should be assumed that this is an absolute path, right?
Now, there is something wrong with this approach. We can easily
change (which should be the 'correct' solution) that a path
starting with "/" is treated as an absolute path. So
if you want to load from the context directory, you have
to specify "WEB-INF/.." instead of "/WEB-INF".
But using a starting "/" with two different behaviours is imho
too confusing.
What do you think? Changing the above is absolutely simple.
Or did I oversee something?


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