Sylvain Wallez wrote:
Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:


I restate:

1) I want a way for serializers to indicate to the pipeline what is the encoding they will be using, so that the pipeline can set the right HTTP header for it.

2) also, i want a way to overwrite the sitemap-wide behavior of every single serializers, locally, such as

<map:serialize encoding="UTF-8"/>

when the global serializer configurations state they will be using something else.

Is the proposal clear enough?

Sure ;-)

However, we also have to consider that serializers basically produce binary data (e.g svg2png) for which the encoding has no meaning. So should there be a new kind of serializers (TextSerializer ?) that gets a Writer instead of an OutputStream ?

This would allow for the encoding to be handled directly and totally by the pipeline engine, which would use the proper encoding to build the TextSerializer's Writer.

This is a good point.

Also raises another architectural point: why do we have an empty Serializer interface that inherits the SitemapOutputComponent interface?


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