Christopher Oliver wrote:

Vadim Gritsenko wrote:

Christopher Oliver wrote:

Sylvain Wallez wrote:


So we need two more values in the object model Map : one for the value dictionary, and one for the continuation.

How does it sound ?

That would work.

Excellent! I've grepped sources, seen those awful ((Environment)resolver) type casts, and I think that we have to get rid of this ASAP.

Practical proposal:

* Add "flow-continuation" to the objectModel, and getter method to the ObjectModelHelper, as a replacement for "kont" environment attribute.
* Add "flow-bean" to the objectModel, as a replacement for "bean-dict" environment attribute.

Switching to use the object model instead of environment attibutes is the easy part.


But there's still the question of how to expose those objects to the author of the presentation layer.

AFAIK, there is already XSP logicsheet and some JPath transformer which do access flow continuation.
Flow support can be added to ScriptGenerator and ScriptAction in a same fashion as it was added to the VelocityGenerator. What other presentation layers has been left out?

For example, in the case of Velocity, the names you've chosen (if following Sylvain's suggestion: "... publishing the object model to the Velocity engine could solve the problem") would be a poor choice, because they aren't valid Velocity identifiers.

Right now VelocityGenerator exports (as per javadoc):

* <dt>request (org.apache.cocoon.environment.Request)</dt>
* <dd>The Cocoon current request</dd>
* <dt>template (java.lang.String)</dt>
* <dd>The path of the template file currently being evaluated</dd>
* <dt>response (org.apache.cocoon.environment.Response)</dt>
* <dd>The Cocoon response associated with the current request</dd>
* <dt>context (org.apache.cocoon.environment.Context)</dt>
* <dd>The Cocoon context associated with the current request</dd>
* <dt>parameters (org.apache.avalon.framework.parameters.Parameters)</dt>
* <dd>Any parameters passed to the generator in the pipeline</dd>

It will be easy to add

* <dt>flowContinuation (xxxx)</dt>
* <dt>flowBean (xxxx)</dt>

And these should be valid values, right?




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