On śro, mar 19, 2003 at 08:38:30 +0100, Leszek Gawron wrote:
> I have quite unusual situation.
> The requests to my site is being made to http://host:7723 which is being
> redirected to http:/otherhost:80. These both addreses are Apaches while the
> second one uses mod_jk to connect to tomcat on the same maching. And now 
> the problem:
> GET /polka-kp/ HTTP/1.1
> Host: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
> HTTP/1.1 302
> Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2003 19:31:49 GMT
> Server: Apache/1.3.27 (Win32) mod_jk/1.2.2-beta-1 mod_gzip/
> PHP/4.2.3
> X-Cocoon-Version: 2.1-dev
> Location: http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/polka-kp/transfer
> Content-Length: 0
> Content-Type: text/plain
<xsp-request:get-server-port/> returns 80, apache itself knows that it should
send 7723 port to user instead of 80 (even though it is not the port it
listens on). Why is it a problem for cocoon?

         | /  \ |        Leszek Gawron            //  \\
        \_\\  //_/      [EMAIL PROTECTED]          _\\()//_
         .'/()\'.     Phone: +48(600)341118     / //  \\ \
          \\  //  recursive: adj; see recursive  | \__/ |

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