On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, Stefano Mazzocchi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>      <home nested="dist"/>
>      ...
>      <jar name="slide/lib/slide-kernel.jar" id="kernel"/>
> but from the slide build, it seems that those jars are really found
> in
>   dist/slide/lib

So things should be fine.

> Now, what does that <home nested="dist"/> mean? does it make the
> <jar> below relative to the nested <home> or not?

It is supposed to.

You would get PRE-REQ failures if any of the jars listed in slide's
descriptor couldn't be found.

> you are not the first one to suggest me to move it back to Gump.

I thought so.

> 1) technical: the gump descriptor is used *directly* by the cocoon
> build system to generate (via xslt) the ant build file used to
> produce our internal blocks (we call 'cocoon functional modules'
> blocks)

Hmm, I see the problem.

The only (ugly) solution I see is duplication.  Either of the Gump
descriptor or keeping the generated build files in Cocoon's CVS.  I
don't like either of both.


PS: I've followed you FOP discussion in the archive.  If this is what
you want, we could add project definitions for FOP's maintenance
branch.  Gump supports CVS tags and thus branches 8-)

See the tag attribute of <module> and <cvs> and look at
jakarta-log4j-12 for an example.

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