ivelin wrote:

That is not the issue. We mean that a "community" member
would discuss any perceived issue with their peers. You did
not provide cocoon-dev with feedback or notify about a problem.

Over the last few months I have asked multiple times when is 2.1 going to be labeled Alpha. Maybe you did not follow my messages. When I indicated the problem with the ever moving and always about to be ready HEAD, Sylvain Walez told me to hush, because I was ruining the good spirit of the community.

Are you referring to http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=xml-cocoon-dev&m=104421545406191&w=2 ?

I never told you to hush, but said that, rather than complaining about "others" having broken "your" XMLForm "contribution", you could also get your hands dirty and help fix it or at least give constructive comments. The community I was referring to is Avalon, which has been hit so hard by code ownership problems. And we, Cocoon community, don't want to see this happen here.

Also, you asked several times "when will 2.1 be released" ? If this is an itch that scratches you, then why not - again - getting your hands dirty, if not on code, at least on a task schedule or some proposals ?

An OSS community is a loose group that is driven by the desires and needs of its members. You cannot expect others to do something for you unless then find some interest in it. And complaining is not the right way to gain people's interest.

And now you tell us that many people asked you privately about XMLForm. Have you read Cocoon's "Who we are" page ? It says : "We ask that you please do not send us emails privately asking for support. We are non-paid volunteers who help out with the project and we do not necessarily have the time or energy to help people on an individual basis. Instead, we have setup mailing lists which often contain hundreds of individuals who will help answer detailed requests for help. The benefit of using mailing lists over private communication is that it is a shared resource where others can also learn from common mistakes and as a community we all grow together."

Why haven't you mentioned the problems raised by the private emails you received to the list ? We could have solved them _together_.


At least *I* honstely don't see a good reason for XMLForm
becoming it's own Apache project - sorry.

Others disagree with you.
I have been asked numerous times via private emails, if it
can be used independently for smaller projects?
It can be cleanly isolated and interfaced with cocoon via
some sort of adapter.
This only confirms the value and need for blocks.

Then why don't you stay and help us sort out the blocks.

You are INcorrectly assuming that I have left Cocoon. There are a lot of people with strong opinions on the blocks. I do not feel like I can be of value at this stage. Nevertheless I am monitoring the progress and looking forward to a final design decision and an API.

There is no better place to ensure clean separation and
adaptability than here on cocoon-dev. We would actually
help clean up the xmlforms code, but going your way you
are on your own.

I like Bertrand's idea of going Chaperon or jfor's way.

Preliminary note : I'm a happy JFor and Chaperon user.

IMO, Chaperon and JFor may be considered differently than XMLForm : one of the main evolutions of Cocoon is going through is growing from a publication framework to a web application framework. Flow script and XMLForm are two important parts in this evolution. My opinion is that XMLForm is more "core" to Cocoon than Chaperon and JFor.

I see no reason why discussion should not be carried on cocoon-dev.
In fact it already started... ;)
I feel bad that it started somewhat sour, but I'm sure we'll work it out.

Ok, so please explain us what are the problems that were raised in private emails.


Sylvain Wallez                                  Anyware Technologies
http://www.apache.org/~sylvain           http://www.anyware-tech.com
{ XML, Java, Cocoon, OpenSource }*{ Training, Consulting, Projects }

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