Others have reported that the newer version of xalan is more "strict" with its expressions and that stylesheets started throwing errors after upgrade. For them, the solution was to fix the stylesheet and then things worked well. Check out the users archives over the last few days/week.

As to the excalibur sources, you should be able to do a checkout from excalibur cvs by date. Check out the tree as it existed on May 20 2003 and you should have what was used to build that jar, no? I find this a pain too, but it comes with the territory (external dependencies on unreleased versions).


At 02:25 AM 6/5/2003, you wrote:
Hmm. I just posted bug 20494 which seemed to appear just after doing an update which changed the xalan jar file to version 2.5.1. I also attached to this bug a small example that reproduces the problem in the standalone jetty + webapp produced by the build.

I'd really like to help look into this, but I just can't seem to obtain the source for the excalibur xmlutil package where the errors seem to be happening. No other messages are being logged to any of the logfiles in WEB-INF/log (Stacktrace appended below if you're curious).

The avalon-excalibur/xmlutil code from CVS HEAD seems to contain differences and will not compile against avalon-framework and logkit jars from the current cocoon-2.1 CVS HEAD.

How do other developers deal with tracking down problems in these JARs? Is there some place I can obtain the source used to build the excalibur-xmlutil-20030520.jar file that is in cocoon-2.1 CVS HEAD currently?

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